Spell Queue


Shows the queued targets for casting spells.

The user-selected spell in the queue will have a left-side highlight indicator. While being cast, the spell will be highlighted white and a thick border will be displayed around the spell.

Spell Rotation

Each character can have their own spell queue rotation mode set in the Spell Queue. This setting is preserved with their macro state when saved.

Progress Display

If set to only cast to a maximum level, the progress bar will be displayed. Once the spell reaches the maximum level desired, it will be ignored while in the queue.

Modifying Spell Targets

Double-clicking a spell will bring up the Spell Target dialog for modifying the cast target. You can re-arrange the order of the targets by dragging and dropping them.

Removing Spell Targets

Targets can be removed from the queue by clicking the Remove or Clear All buttons at the bottom. Alternatively, you can select a target and press the Delete or Backspace key.

Show/Hide Spell Queue

The Spell Queue visibility can be toggled using the show/hide button. It will be shown when adding a new spell target for a character.

Additional Settings

Additional settings for the Spell Queue can be found in the Spell Macros Settings window.