


  1. Download the latest version from the Releases page.
  2. Extract the file to a folder of your choice.
  3. Run SleepHunter.exe to start the application.
  4. Configure your game client settings in the Settings->GameClient section.
  5. Read the rest of this documentation to learn how to use the application.

It is very important that you extract all of the files from the file.


As of version 4.1.0, SleepHunter will automatically check for updates when it starts. It checks the same GitHub releases page that you downloaded the application from.

If an update is available, you will be prompted to download and install it. SleepHunter will automatically close and restart after the update is applied.

You can also manually check for updates by clicking the Check for Updates button in the Settings->Updates section.

NOTE: Your Settings.xml file will not be overwritten when you update SleepHunter.

Manual Update

If you are unable to update SleepHunter automatically, you can manually download and install the latest version. Follow the same steps as the Installation section, but replace the existing files with the new ones.

In most cases, you do not have to overwrite the Settings.xml file.


To uninstall SleepHunter, simply delete the folder that you extracted the application to. There are no registry entries or other files that need to be removed.