Character List


Shows information about the character, including current location, health, mana, and activity status (when macroing). The selected character will be displayed with a highlighted indicator on the left side of the list item.

The main window title will also display the name of the selected character.

Quick Select

Double-clicking on a character will bring that Dark Ages game client window to the foreground. This is useful when you are trying to find that particular game client window that is hidden behind other windows.

Hotkey Binding

You can also bind a hotkey combination to a character by selecting the character and pressing the hotkey combination (ex: Ctrl+1). This will act as a global hotkey that can be used to pause/resume macroing for that particular character.

If a hotkey is bound to a character, the hotkey combination will be displayed in the character window. You can unbind a hotkey by selecting the character and pressing the Delete or Backspace key.

Character Sorting

By default, characters are sorted by their login time (oldest to newest). This sorting can be modified in the User Interface Settings window.